A few centuries ago, tradesmen who wanted to sell their wares hired servants to hold the goods up high so passing buyers could get a good view. Those servants were call upholdsterers, because they held up the goods.
Later, upholdsterers were given additional duties. They were taught to fix up the goods by draping them with new coverings, perhaps so they would look attractive to potential buyers.
Eventually, over time this became their main duty. That is why , today, a person who works with textiles on furniture is called an upholsterer. Somewhere along the line the "d" was dropped.
Services offered
- All types of upholstering
- Quality build custome Upholstered cornices, ottomans and headboards
- In home upholstered furniture repair
- Supplies and advice for DIY
- Large selection of fabrics and vinyl
- Pickup and delivery
- quotes over the phone, via email or in your home
Call or email today for a quote!
(614) 855-9929

Right-Way Upholstery's former location